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Migration from v4 to v5

This guide describes the changes needed to migrate the Data Grid from v4 to v5.


This is a reference guide for upgrading your site from MUI X v4 to v5. MUI X v5 is fully compatible with Material UI v5 and MUI System v5 and can be used with Material UI v4 and MUI System v4 with some additional steps. Most breaking changes are renaming of CSS classes or variables to improve the consistency of the Data Grid.

Migrating MUI Core from v4

Using MUI Core v4 with v5

Using Material UI v4 with v5 can be achieved with the following steps:

  1. First, make sure you have Material UI v5 installed. If not, install it with these instructions.
  2. Add a custom createGenerateClassName to disable the generation of global class names in JSS.
import { createGenerateClassName } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

const generateClassName = createGenerateClassName({
  // By enabling this option, if you have non-MUI elements (for example `<div />`)
  // using MUI classes (for example `.MuiButton`) they will lose styles.
  // Make sure to convert them to use `styled()` or `<Box />` first.
  disableGlobal: true,
  // Class names will receive this seed to avoid name collisions.
  seed: 'mui-jss',
  1. Create a v5 theme with the same customizations as the v4 theme. This has to be done as the theme is not shared between different Material UI versions.
import { createMuiTheme as createThemeV4 } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
import { createTheme as createThemeV5 } from '@mui/material/styles';

const themeV4 = createThemeV4({
  palette: {
    primary: {
      main: '#2196f3',

const themeV5 = createThemeV5({
  palette: {
    primary: {
      main: themeV4.palette.primary.main,
  1. Apply the class name generator and v5 theme to the application.
import * as React from 'react';
import { ThemeProvider as ThemeProviderV5 } from '@mui/material/styles';
import { ThemeProvider as ThemeProviderV4, StylesProvider } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

const generateClassName = createGenerateClassName({ ... });
const themeV4 = createThemeV4({ ... });
const themeV5 = createThemeV5({ ... });

export default function DataGridDemo() {
  return (
    <StylesProvider generateClassName={generateClassName}>
      <ThemeProviderV4 theme={themeV4}>
        <ThemeProviderV5 theme={themeV5}>
          {/* Your component tree. */}

Done! Now, you can render any dependencies that rely on Material UI v5 without upgrading from v4, and they will both run seamlessly alongside. For example, the following interactive demo shows how these steps tie together with the Data Grid:

Migrating MUI X

Update MUI X version

To use the v5 version of MUI X, you first need to update to the new package names:

  • @material-ui/data-grid is now @mui/x-data-grid (MIT)
  • @material-ui/x-grid is now @mui/x-data-grid-pro (Commercial)

CSS classes

  • Some CSS classes were removed or renamed

    MUI X v4 classes MUI X v5 classes
    .MuiDataGrid-window removed
    .MuiDataGrid-windowContainer removed
    .MuiDataGrid-viewport .MuiDataGrid-virtualScroller
    .MuiDataGrid-dataContainer .MuiDataGrid-virtualScrollerContent
    .MuiDataGrid-renderingZone .MuiDataGrid-virtualScrollerRenderZone
    .MuiDataGrid-gridMenuList .MuiDataGrid-menuList
    .MuiGridToolbarContainer-root .MuiDataGrid-toolbarContainer
    .MuiGridMenu-root .MuiDataGrid-menu
    .MuiDataGridColumnsPanel-root .MuiDataGrid-columnsPanel
    .MuiGridPanel-root .MuiDataGrid-panel
    .MuiGridPanelContent-root .MuiDataGrid-panelContent
    .MuiGridPanelFooter-root .MuiDataGrid-panelFooter
    .MuiDataGridPanelHeader-root .MuiDataGrid-panelHeader
    .MuiGridPanelWrapper-root .MuiDataGrid-panelWrapper
    .MuiGridFilterForm-root .MuiDataGrid-filterForm
    .MuiGridToolbarFilterButton-root .MuiDataGrid-toolbarFilterList

Module augmentation

  • The module augmentation is no longer enabled by default. This change was done to prevent conflicts with projects using Data Grid and Data Grid Pro together.

    In order to still be able to do overrides at the theme level, add the following imports to your project:

    +import type {} from '@mui/x-data-grid/themeAugmentation';
    +import type {} from '@mui/x-data-grid-pro/themeAugmentation';


  • The onViewportRowsChange prop and the viewportRowsChange event have been removed

    You can replace them with a listener on the rowsScroll event:

    const apiRef = useGridApiRef();
    const prevRenderContext = React.useRef(null);
    React.useEffect(() => {
      return apiRef.current.subscribeEvent('rowsScroll', ({ renderContext }) => {
        if (
          !prevRenderContext.current ||
          renderContext.firstRowIdx !== prevRenderContext.current.firstRowIndex ||
          renderContext.lastRowIdx !== prevRenderContext.current.lastRowIndex
        ) {
          prevRenderContext.current = renderContext;
          const params = {
            firstRowIndex: renderContext.firstRowIndex,
            lastRowIndex: renderContext.lastRowIndex,
    }, [apiRef]);
    <DataGridPro apiRef={apiRef} />;

Removed props

  • Some event listeners and DOM attributes were removed from GridCell and GridRow to improve performance.

    The following props were removed.

    • onCellBlur
    • onCellOver
    • onCellOut
    • onCellEnter
    • onCellLeave
    • onRowOver
    • onRowOut
    • onRowEnter
    • onRowLeave

    If you depend on them, you can use componentsProps.row and componentsProps.cell to pass custom props to the row or cell. For more information, check this page. Example:

    -<DataGrid onRowOver={handleRowOver} />;
    +  componentsProps={{
    +    row: { onMouseOver: handleRowOver },
    +  }}

    The data-rowindex and data-rowselected attributes were removed from the cell element. Equivalent attributes can be found in the row element.

    The data-editable attribute was removed from the cell element. Use the .MuiDataGrid-cell--editable CSS class.

    The data-mode attribute was removed from the cell element. Use the .MuiDataGrid-cell--editing CSS class.

State access

  • The state direct access is not considered part of the public API anymore. We only guarantee that the selectors continue to work between minor releases. We advise you to avoid accessing directly a state sub-key, instead use the available selectors or apiRef methods whenever possible. You can replace the following state access by their matching selectors:

    Direct state access Selector
    state.rows gridRowsStateSelector
    state.filter gridFilterStateSelector
    state.sorting gridSortingStateSelector
    state.editRows gridEditRowsStateSelector
    state.pagination gridPaginationSelector
    state.columns gridColumnsSelector
    state.columnMenu gridColumnMenuSelector
    state.focus gridFocusStateSelector
    state.tabIndex gridTabIndexStateSelector
    state.selection gridSelectionStateSelector
    state.preferencePanel gridPreferencePanelStateSelector
    state.density gridDensitySelector
    state.columnReorder gridColumnReorderSelector
    state.columnResize gridColumnResizeSelector
  • The apiRef.current.getState method was removed. You can directly access the state through apiRef.current.state

    -const state = apiRef.current.getState();
    +const state = apiRef.current.state
     const filterModel = gridFilterModelSelector(state);
  • The state prop was not working correctly and was removed. You can use the new initialState prop instead.

    Note that initialState only allows the preferencePanel, filter.filterModel and sort.sortModel keys. To fully control the state, use the feature's model prop and change callback (for example filterModel and onFilterModelChange).

    -  state={{
    +  initialState={{
         preferencePanel: {
           open: true,
           openedPanelValue: GridPreferencePanelsValue.filters,
  • Some selectors have been renamed to match with our naming convention:

    MUI X v4 selectors MUI X v5 selectors
    unorderedGridRowIdsSelector gridRowIdsSelector
    sortingGridStateSelector gridSortingStateSelector
    sortedGridRowIdsSelector gridSortedRowIdsSelector
    filterGridStateSelector gridFilterModelSelector
    visibleSortedGridRowIdsSelector gridVisibleSortedRowIdsSelector
    visibleGridRowCountSelector gridVisibleRowCountSelector
    filterGridColumnLookupSelector gridFilterActiveItemsLookupSelector
    densitySelector gridDensitySelector
  • Some selectors have been removed/reworked

    1. sortedGridRowsSelector was removed. You can use gridSortedRowEntriesSelector instead.

    The return format has changed:

    -sortedGridRowsSelector: (state: GridState) => Map<GridRowId, GridRowModel>
    +gridSortedRowEntriesSelector: (state: GridState) => GridRowEntry[]

    If you need the old format, you can convert the selector return value as follows:

    -const map = sortedGridRowsSelector(state);
    +const map = new Map(gridSortedRowEntriesSelector(state).map(row => [, row.model]));
    1. filterGridItemsCounterSelector was removed. You can use gridFilterActiveItemsSelector
    -const filterCount = filterGridItemsCounterSelector(state);
    +const filterCount = gridFilterActiveItemsSelector(state).length;
    1. unorderedGridRowModelsSelector was removed. You can use apiRef.current.getRowModels or gridRowIdsSelector and gridRowsLookupSelector
    -const rowModels = unorderedGridRowModelsSelector(apiRef.current.state);
     // using the `apiRef`
    +const rowModels = apiRef.current.getRowModels();
     // using selectors
    +const allRows = gridRowIdsSelector(apiRef.current.state);
    +const idRowsLookup = gridRowsLookupSelector(apiRef.current.state);
    +const rowModels = new Map( => [id, idRowsLookup[id]]));
    1. The visibleSortedGridRowsSelector was removed. You can use gridVisibleSortedRowEntriesSelector

    The return format has changed:

    -visibleSortedGridRowsSelector: (state: GridState) => Map<GridRowId, GridRowModel>;
    +gridVisibleSortedRowEntriesSelector: (state: GridState) => GridRowEntry[];

    If you need the old format, you can convert the selector return value as follows:

    -const map = visibleSortedGridRowsSelector(state);
    +const map = new Map(gridVisibleSortedRowEntriesSelector(state).map(row => [, row.model]));
    1. The visibleSortedGridRowsAsArraySelector was removed. You can use gridVisibleSortedRowEntriesSelector

    The return format has changed:

    -visibleSortedGridRowsAsArraySelector: (state: GridState) => [GridRowId, GridRowData][];
    +gridVisibleSortedRowEntriesSelector: (state: GridState) => GridRowEntry[];

    If you need the old format, you can convert the selector return value as follows:

    -const rows = visibleSortedGridRowsAsArraySelector(state);
    +const rows = gridVisibleSortedRowEntriesSelector(state).map(row => [, row.model]);

apiRef methods

  • The apiRef methods to partially update the filter model have been renamed:

    1. apiRef.current.applyFilterLinkOperator was renamed to apiRef.current.setFilterLinkOperator
    2. apiRef.current.upsertFilter was renamed to apiRef.current.upsertFilterItem
    3. apiRef.current.deleteFilter was renamed to apiRef.current.deleteFilterItem
  • The third argument in apiRef.current.selectRow is now inverted to keep consistency with other selection APIs.

    If you were passing allowMultiple: true, you should now pass resetSelection: false or stop passing anything.

    If you were passing allowMultiple: false or not passing anything on allowMultiple, you should now pass resetSelection: true.

    -selectRow: (id: GridRowId, isSelected?: boolean, allowMultiple?: boolean = false) => void;
    +selectRow: (id: GridRowId, isSelected?: boolean, resetSelection?: boolean = false) => void;


  • The params passed to the valueFormatter were changed.

    You can use the api to get the missing params. The GridValueFormatterParams interface has the following signature now:

    -export type GridValueFormatterParams = Omit<GridRenderCellParams, 'formattedValue' | 'isEditable'>;
    +export interface GridValueFormatterParams {
    +  /**
    +   * The column field of the cell that triggered the event.
    +   */
    +  field: string;
    +  /**
    +   * The cell value, but if the column has valueGetter, use getValue.
    +   */
    +  value: GridCellValue;
    +  /**
    +   * GridApi that lets you manipulate the Data Grid.
    +   */
    +  api: any;

Other exports

  • The gridCheckboxSelectionColDef was renamed to GRID_CHECKBOX_SELECTION_COL_DEF.

  • The individual string constants have been removed in favor of a single gridClasses object

    -const columnHeaderClass = GRID_COLUMN_HEADER_CSS_CLASS;
    +const columnHeaderClass = gridClasses.columnHeader;
    -const rowClass = GRID_ROW_CSS_CLASS;
    +const rowClass = gridClasses.row;
    -const cellClass = GRID_CELL_CSS_CLASS;
    +const cellClass = gridClasses.cell;
    +const columnSeparatorClass = gridClasses['columnSeparator--resizable'];
    -const columnHeaderTitleClass = GRID_COLUMN_HEADER_TITLE_CSS_CLASS;
    +const columnHeaderTitleClass = gridClasses.columnHeaderTitle;
    -const columnHeaderDropZoneClass = GRID_COLUMN_HEADER_DROP_ZONE_CSS_CLASS;
    +const columnHeaderDropZoneClass = gridClasses.columnHeaderDropZone;
    -const columnHeaderDraggingClass = GRID_COLUMN_HEADER_DRAGGING_CSS_CLASS;
    +const columnHeaderDraggingClass = gridClasses['columnHeader--dragging'];
  • The constants referring to the column types were removed. Their values can be hardcoded.

    -const isColumnString = column.type === GRID_STRING_COLUMN_TYPE;
    +const isColumnString = col.type === 'string';
    -const isColumnNumber = col.type === GRID_NUMBER_COLUMN_TYPE;
    +const isColumnNumber = col.type === 'number';
    -const isColumnDate = col.type === GRID_DATE_COLUMN_TYPE;
    +const isColumnDate = col.type === 'date';
    -const isColumnDateTime = col.type === GRID_DATETIME_COLUMN_TYPE;
    +const isColumnDateTime = col.type === 'dateTime';
    -const isColumnBoolean = col.type === GRID_BOOLEAN_COLUMN_TYPE;
    +const isColumnBoolean = col.type === 'boolean';
  • The hook useGridSlotComponentProps was removed. You can use the following hooks to access the same data.

    -const { apiRef, state, rootElement, options } = useGridSlotComponentProps();
    +const apiRef = useGridApiContext();
    +const [state] = useGridState(apiRef);
    +const rootElement = apiRef.current.rootElementRef;
    +const rootProps = useGridRootProps(); // equivalent of `options`

Removals from the public API

We removed some API methods/selectors from what we consider public by adding the unstable_ prefix on them. You can continue to use these methods if you desire, but they may be subject to breaking changes in the future without prior notice.

  1. apiRef.current.applyFilters was renamed apiRef.current.unstable_applyFilters
  2. gridContainerSizesSelector was renamed unstable_gridContainerSizesSelector
  3. gridViewportSizesSelector was renamed unstable_gridViewportSizesSelector
  4. gridScrollBarSizeSelector was renamed unstable_gridScrollBarSizeSelector