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Toolpad Core - Installation

Learn how to install Toolpad Core in your local environment.

  1. Run the following command to start Toolpad Core:
npx create-toolpad-app@latest --core
  1. Follow the instructions presented. Once the installation ends, run:
cd <project-name>
npm run dev
  1. Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to open the application.

  2. The CLI bootstraps the following directory:

     ├── app
     │ ├── auth
     │ ├──── [...path]
     │ └────── page.tsx
     │ ├── api
     │ ├──── auth
     │ ├────── [...nextAuth]
     │ └───────── route.tsx
     │ ├── (dashboard)
     | ├──── layout.tsx
     │ ├──── page
     │ └────── page.tsx
     ├──── layout.tsx
     └──── page.tsx

    and the following page appears when you run the project locally:

Toolpad Core entry point

Starting with Toolpad Core

  1. Installation is complete! Begin building your project by making edits to (dashboard/page/page.tsx. To understand how to leverage Toolpad Core to build dashboards quickly, see the detailed tutorial.