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Data Providers

Connect with multiple data providers fast - no boilerplate or lengthy integration efforts


A data provider is a stateless interface representing a collection of remote data. It mainly contains methods to fetch and manipulate this data, along with certain additional methods for certain data providers.

import { createDataProvider } from '@toolpad/data';

const dataProvider = createDataProvider({
  async getRecords({}) {
    return fetch('/...');

Connecting to components

To connect to components, the stateless data provider can be made stateful using a headless API.

const gridProps = useDataGrid(dataProvider, {
  // options

const chartProps = useChart(dataProvider, {
  // options

const sharedDataSource = useSharedDataProvider(dataProvider, {
  // options

Server-side data providers

// ./pages/api/myDataProvider.ts
import { serverDataProvider } from '@toopad/core';
import db from '../postgres';

export default servedataProvider({
  async getRecords({}) {
    return db.getRows();

Then connect to it from the client with

import { createRestProvider } from '@toopad/core';

const dataProvider = createRestProvider('/api/myDataProvider');