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AppProvider API

API reference docs for the React AppProvider component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.



import { AppProvider } from '@toolpad-core/AppProvider';
import { AppProvider } from '@toolpad-core/nextjs/AppProvider'; // Next.js
// or
import { AppProvider } from '@toolpad-core';
import { AppProvider } from '@toolpad-core/nextjs'; // Next.js

Learn about the difference by reading this guide on minimizing bundle size.


Props of the native component are also available.


The content of the app provider.

branding{ logo?: node, title?: string }null

Branding options for the app.

navigationArray<{ children?: Array<object
| { kind: 'header', title: string }
| { kind: 'divider' }>, icon?: node, kind?: 'page', slug?: string, title: string }
| { kind: 'header', title: string }
| { kind: 'divider' }>

Navigation definition for the app.

router{ navigate: func, pathname: string, searchParams?: URLSearchParams }null

Router implementation used inside Toolpad components.


Theme used by the app.

The component cannot hold a ref.